Refund & Return policy

Returns, refund and exchange policy

For you to claim any transit loss/damage/replacement, for each shipment you will have to provide us with an unboxing video and order photos from the package opening.

Return and Refund Policy

For orders, there's no return and refund policy. We offer exchanges only on the basis of certain terms and conditions.
We cannot accept return for
  • Cases when the cloth feels heavy or appears too big;
  • Cases when you feel the size of the cloth is other than expected;
  • Cases of colors being not precisely what you intended to have. Monitor settings and digital photography affect how the color appears on the screen.

You can raise a return request within 7 days of the delivery. Refund would be processed between 3-7 business days once we have received the item at our warehouse.
If past the stipulated period since your purchase with us, we cannot ,unfortunately , offer you neither a return nor an exchange.
In case you do have an order you would like to return or exchange , please contact us at . We will get back to you asap. Please bear in mind that you have to return the item without delay. In any event, this has to be within a week from making the exchange request via the customer service team. Please remember to add the original packaging, instructions, and such documents, if any.
In case you cancel your order during non-contact service hours or once the item has been dispatched, it will then have to be passed through a returns process.